Tips for Better WordPress Project Management

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The point of a website is to provide information to your visitors. Information comes from the text on your website pages and blog. While the text on your website pages doesn’t have to be updated often, your blog does. Actually, you should be adding a new post every day.

Running a business is hard work. Most business owners do not have the time to blog every day. This is why they have writers do it for them. It saves them time to have someone else write the content, but the management of those blog posts can take time too.

Just as writers help you save time with adding content to your blog, project management tools do the same. They help you organize the topics you want written, schedule them for publishing, and more.

Besides content on your site, project management tools can help you delegate other tasks. For example, desired developments can be listed, assigned and worked on with organization.

To get started, you have a few different options when it comes to help with project management.

Decide What You Need

When deciding which project management tool is best for you, consider the following:

  • Do you want a front-end or back-end solution? The front-end allows clients to use the management tool, while the back-end one is just for your team.
  • Do you intend on helping your contractors along with your team with the tool?
  • What do you want included in the tool? Do you need an editorial calendar? Milestones? Maybe it would help to add to-do lists to help writers and your team keep track of what needs to be done and what has already been done.

What Do You Want to Use?

You have a couple of options when it comes to the tool you use. You can use a third party site that links to your WordPress site, or you can use a plugin. It can be difficult to decide which one you prefer, but most people choose a plugin over the third party site just because everything is in one place.

Plugins for Project Management

SP Project & Document Management

You can store just about everything your team needs to add valuable content to your blog. It holds and manages documents, files, videos and images. You’ll be able to interact with clients, sales organization, and vendors. The customization of the plugin makes it perfect for anyone.

BuddyPress Group Tasks Management

This is also another great project management plugin. You can create, edit, and delete. You can mark things as completed. You can change who needs to do what, and much more. You can even set up notifications, a personal assignments page, and autocomplete tags/categories.

Other Plugins:

  • WordPress Task Management
  • Orbis
  • TaskFreak!
  • Project Panorama
  • CollabPress

The best to figure out which one is best for you is to try a few out before opening it up to everyone. That way, you can see which plugin has everything you need.

Third Party Options

If a third party application seems like it would work better for you, try out Trello and Basecamp. These are the two best project management tools. They allow you to set up tasks, upload and download documents, and keep everything organized.

To link Trello with WP, you can use the plugin WP Trello. The plugin will display the cards, boards and lists from Trello, so you can stay informed through WordPress.

Additional Tips for Project Management

A project management tool can’t do it all. Be sure each person in your organization knows their roles and responsibilities. You won’t have certain people doing the same thing when you delegate tasks.

People need to use the project management tool for it to work. It’s important to stay on top of closing tasks when completed and follow up on incomplete tasks.

Understand that some people on your team may not know how to use the tool when they first use it. Provide instruction and time for them to become comfortable with it to prevent any time consuming mess ups.

Now that you know about these project management tools and have tips to use, get started. You’ll soon see why most growing businesses are using it every day.

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