Granting Access to Google Ads

Go to

Log in as an administrator.

In the top right-hand corner, you will see a 10-digit Customer ID (CID) number.

Send your CID in an email to (for each account if you have more than one). We will then request access to your Google Ads account through our Agency My Client Center account (MCC) and you will need to approve the request to grant us permission.

You will receive email notification of our request for access. Follow the link in the email and you will see the request.

If you are unable to locate the permissions, please follow the directions here.

Granting Access to Google Analytics

Go to

Log in as an admin.

Follow the steps below:

1. Click on Admin on the top menu bar
2. Click on User Management
3. Click the plus (+) symbol to add a new email address
4. Add in the following email address:
5. Set the permission level to Manage Users, Edit, Collaborate, Read & Analyze. This will grant us access to perform an exploratory audit and if we are appointed we can carry out the configuration work needed.
6. Click the Notify this user by email radio button and then Add.

That will notify us that you have granted permission to access your Google Analytics account at an account level.

If you have more than one Google Analytics account we will have access to all the accounts, so we won’t need extra permissions for other sites you own.

If we need to add in additional staff members, we can do so at this end.

Granting Access to Google Analytics

Please add as an admin

Granting Access to Google Search Console

Please add as an admin. If you do not have an account, we can create one for you.

Granting Access to Google My Business

Granting Access to YouTube

Granting Access to YouTube

Go to

Log in as an administrator (if required) using your User Name and Password. In the top right-hand corner, click on the link that says Accounts & Billing.

On the next screen, you will see an Account number and Account name Send that Account number in an email to (for each account if you have more than one).

We will request access to your Microsoft Ads account through our Agency Microsoft Ads account (MCC) and you will need to approve the request to grant us permission.

You will receive email notification of our request for access.

Follow the link in the email and you will see the request.

If you don’t have a Microsoft Ads account we can walk you through the process for setting one up.

Granting Access to Facebook Ads

Go to

In the top left-hand corner click on the hamburger menu (three dashes) Select the Business Manager settings

In the People and Assets Section click the Pages Link (1)

We will request access to each of these Pages from our Facebook Agency Business Manager Account (ID 429257237235556) and we will need Admin permission for your page.

Alternatively, you can go ahead and assign a partner to your different pages. Our agency ID is: 429257237235556

Select the Advert Accounts Link

For each ad, account make a note of the ad account # as shown in the example below or simply assign a partner just like in the instructions above and add 429257237235556

By default, any Instagram accounts you have linked to your Business Manager account will also be available to use for advertising.

Once we have admin access to your Facebook pages and Facebook Ad Accounts we will be able to configure your Facebook Pixel (or set one up if you don’t have one already).

Granting Access to Facebook Pixel

Click HERE for instructions to create and share a pixel with us.

Granting Access to Facebook Catalog

Click HERE to assign us as a partner.

Granting Access to Amazon Ads

Seller Central Access to 99 Robots

Go to the Seller Central account and log in.

Click Settings, and then click User Permissions.

To add us a new user, enter our email address ( and click on “Send Invitation”

Your 99 Robots account manager will accept the invite and relay a ‘unique confirmation code’ back to you.

You can use this to approve the user.

On the User Permissions page, click Edit next to the account for

Under ‘Performance’ in ‘Seller Central’ grant the following user access rights to us:

Note: At this stage, we are added as a user to your Seller Central account, but still need access rights to some areas of the account to effectively set up, monitor, and manage the ad campaigns. Once we accept access, you can set permissions. ‘Editor access is fine, but sharing ‘Admin’ access helps us receive automated reports from Amazon.

We would love to speak with you to learn about your business and how we can help!

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